sunnuntai 8. tammikuuta 2023

Raporttia Malawista

 Vuodenvaihteen uutisia Malawista raportin muodossa (valitettavasti vain englanniksi ja videokin osittain chichewaksi).  Tämä on siis suoraan Malawista saatu raportti. 

Jos haluat, voit avustaa Center of Good Hope -opetuslapseus- ja ammattikoulun opiskelijoita maksamaan lukukausimaksujaan lahjoittamalla rahaa koulujemme keräykseen liittämällä maksuusi viestiksi "Center of Good Hope". Tällä hetkellä kaikki keräyksen rahat menevät peruskoululaisten koulumaksuihin ja rakennusprojektiin, ei näiden opetuslapseus- ja ammattikoululaisten tukemiseen.  Kysy tilitiedot koululta!

Center for good hope Discipleship and vocational empowerment

2022-2023 reporting.


Bringing hope to the most vulnerable through Christ

Mission statement

Giving hope to the helpless so much so that, they can become responsible citizen of the society and heaven. To empower the powerless by teaching them life skills. To bring a change for Africa by showing good example.

Why Center of good hope youth

  1. Malawi’s youth make three quarters of the population of Malawi

  2. The school dropout is on the rise

  3. Child marriages

  4. Child labor

  5. Higher rate on child pregnancy due to our customs. Kids that are from 13-17 of age are forced into marriage

  6. Many young people have been preached to, but due to lack of skills they have nothing to do. This is one factor that makes many Malawians engage themselves in immoral acts such as stealing and bribery.

To Giving is Receiving:

Thank you so much that you have been pattering with us since 2013 continuing. We are pleased to inform you that, during this period we have seen so many young people being able to go to school. Some students have succeeded, and others have failed, a part which we are all not proud of. We have few reports of few individuals that have gone all the way to Universities and some to collages.

2022 has been more of a challenging year as we have witnessed one student quitting school that was already paid for and got married. And others just did not report for classes for some reasons. On the other hand it has been more exciting, too, as we are very privileged to Build the SOJEMI high school where we are able to teach the students ourselves. Graso is a school that is aimed to give opportunities and proper learning to students. In Malawi schools can have from 80 to 120 student per one class. Graso has now has 38 student registered. 8 of them are the orphans whose school fees are paid by Giving is receiving.

Giving is receiving is now paying for about 25 students. We are paying for their school fees and Exams. The amount of payment changes every term due to instability of Malawi Kwacha Currency. The amount needed for one term (for all of these 25 students) is K740,000.00 which is 740e. Administration has been taking K40,000.00 =40e  for transaction, phone calls and bank transactions fees from one bank to another.

Report about the Class block which were are Building.

We want to thank you for the help Giving is receiving has been giving us. It has been a great deal of help. Allow me to apologies because we told you that the estimate of a block building for one class would be 8000e. During last year to now Malawi has been hit by a recession that caused Malawi kwacha to fall 25 percent (Devaluation). This has caused prices to go up leaving us with unfinished class. Now we have managed to make bricks and build the walls and put a roof. We can now use it, this term students of class 1 and 3 will be in this class, even though it is not finished but is useable.

The next stage would be making of floor, window frames, window grasses and plastering and doors. The good thing is that Center of good hope students will be the ones working, so we will get the labor cheaper. We feel to be privileged that 2 different schools are benefiting in working and learning. The estimate of what is needed to finish the building, if the kwacha will be the same, is 5000e.

More here on this link.

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